25 March 2009

Week 4 of school, Week 5 of Awesomeness!

So I’ve been in Australia for more than a month! It’s crazy, it absolutely doesn’t feel like it. In honour of this occasion though, I’m going to make a list of favourites/things I’ve done since being here…

Favourite Place: Kiama!!
Favourite thing I’ve bought: my gladiator shoes!
Favourite thing I’ve eaten: SWEET CHILI SAUCE ZOMG SO GOOD!
Favourite experience: Great Barrier Reef Trip
Thing I’m most looking forward to: My trip to New Zealand for Easter Break! (I will BE ARAGORN!!)
Food I miss the most: Chipotle (also, good home cooking)
Person I miss the most: Bella (Alex too, I suppose :D )
Most Commonly Worn Piece of Clothing: pair of shorts I bought here – they’re super awesome
Most Schoolwork I did: I wrote a 1000 word annotated bibliography about my research on how Australians reacted to the declaration of war in 1914
Favourite Class: Australians and the Great War
Most exciting thing I’ve done: Sky diving (ok, haven’t done that one yet, but it’s coming up within the next two weeks!)
Most Painful thing: Using my skull to stop a surfboard from moving forward
Most time spent at the beach: 7 hours – 2 hours surfing, 5 hours lounging
Books I’ve read: Watchmen, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Twenty Chickens for a Saddle, and Dune (just started The Road)

There are of course many more, I’m sure, but I think that’s good for now. You might notice that I’ve switched over to Australian typing – I type up the blog posts in Word, which I had to switch over so I don’t get points taken off when I turn in papers. Speaking of papers, classes are going pretty well, although I haven’t gotten anything back yet. I’m really enjoying my History class – everything we learn about is interesting and in my tutorial I get the chance to speak pretty openly with Australians about our nations’ relationship. I actually gave a presentation today in my class – it was unnerving because I was the first person to present and I’m pretty sure I did it the American way as opposed to what Australians do (from what I’ve heard and what the Australian who presented after me did, they just read their essays…I straight up sat in front of the classroom, rambled off some notes, and then asked questions). I learned a lot, so I can only hope that the rest of the class did too. You can pretty much ask me anything about how the Australian people reacted to entering World War I and I’ll have an answer for you.

Besides classes, life here is perfect! I spend my time relaxing, reading, hanging out with friends, or sitting at the beach. I need to go to sleep now, but I figured that I should at least attempt to update, seeing as how it’s been quite a while.


  1. how will you ever adjust to DC life again?

  2. I am just glad you mentioned school work!!! :-)

  3. 1. are you really rent a mobile home and going to drive around New Zealand trying to be like a Frodo Baggins on wheels?? LOL. because I can totally see you doing it, too, and it's absolutely ridiculous!!

